Monday, March 5, 2007


Just a quick WARNING my next topic contains some explicit terms and/or phrases. Read At Your Own Risk! Hip-Hop lyrics can vary from one end of the musical spectrum to the other. They can be meaningless (all the commercial songs you hear now), very controversial (ie. anti-Gay or Sexist tracks), &/or very profound & deep (songs of poverty, struggle, and brotherhood).

However, through some cleverly written lyrics, rap can also be incredibly witty and hysterically funny. These are a few examples that will make you either smile, laugh, or appreciate the creativity. I will also clarify what comparisons are being made, what the rapper is claiming, and whatever else is needed!:)

“Ask Beavis, I get nothing But Head”
Here the rapper, Big L, is simply making a reference to the old MTV show, ‘Beavis & Butt Head,’ but is using the title in reference to something else. I hope you are able to figure that something else out yourself.

“I Have a Buzz Bigger than Insects in Texas”
In this line, Kanye West is using the term ‘Buzz’ to represent the excitement in the public about him. The ‘Bigger than Insects in Texas’ refers to the common phrase: Everything’s Bigger In Texas.

“She Stole all my Cash, even Jack-My-Nickel-Son”
Here the writer, Chino XL, is basically saying a women robbed him of all his money, but cleverly uses famous actor Jack Nicholson’s name is explaining his comment.

“Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push Miracle Whips”
There are a couple of things that may need clarification in this line. Firstly, an urban term used to describe nice vehicles is ‘Whip(s).’ We must also acknowledge his clever use of ‘Miracle Whips.’ As we all know, Miracle Whip is a type of mayonnaise. In turn, Kanye West is stating his car is both the color of Miracle Whip, and is also a ‘Miracle Whip.’ VERY WITTY!

“Don’t Say my Benz is Topless, Say its Tit*y’z is Out”
Yes this example may be a bit vulgar. Nevertheless, it is quite a funny line. Nas simply describes his convertible Benz and compares to women.

These type of lines in Hip-Hop are known as ‘Punch Lines.’ Many claim to be the ‘Punch Line King,’ such as Lloyd Banks and Chino XL, but there are no clear favorites. My personal favorites are Kanye West and Chino XL but others do compete with them. I will conclude this odd blog entry with a few more examples of punch lines in Hip-Hop.

She saw my necklace & started Relaxing, now that’s what the F*ck I call a Chain Reaction - Jay Z

I show more blind rage, than Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles wrestling in a Steel cage - Chino XL

Your girl Blows on me like im a Nintendo Game – Unknown

I get more A*s then a Toilet seat – Nate Dogg

Call me the Scarecrow, Im looking for some Brain – Nick Cannon

Sh*t I’m the Fresh Prince, I Phil-Up (fill up) Banks – Chino XL

Im always there for you, like Herpes is - Unknown

Thanks for reading and i hope you laughed or at least smiled.


Vic Maan said...

Im Cold like the other side of the pillow!....thats hot

Celeste said...

I love cold pillows