First I must tell you a story. The time is 1995 & what the media has coined ‘Gangsa Rap’ is nearing its peak of popularity. The war between the East Coast & West Coast rappers is also becoming increasingly violent. However what is overshadowed by the battle between Tupac & Biggie, is the clash between accused misogynist Tupac & feminist DeLores Tucker. Tucker is claiming Tupac’s lyrics are degrading to women and are ‘threatening the moral foundation of the Africa American community.’
The first question we must ask is: Does Tupac continuously refer to women as Bitches, Ho’s, Tricks, Sluts, ect? Of course he does. Secondly, Is it right? Of course I don’t think it is. My mother, my sister, my friends, my group members, & my ex’s (well maybe not my ex’s) are not Bitches, Ho’s, Tricks, or Sluts. Nevertheless we must recognize that Tupac’s experiences with women are completely different then ours.
In his song, “Wonder Why They Call You Bitch,” Tupac attempts to clarify for us and for DeLores Tucker, what & who he defines as a bitch. In the first verse he introduces his protagonist, a woman who can be characterized as a ‘Gold Digger.’ She does not like to work, instead using other, more provocative measures as a way of obtaining the necessities of life. In the second verse, his protagonist now has children yet remains unmarried, unemployed, and unmotivated. She continues to pursue men for financial dependence, traveling to clubs leaving her children with her mother. In the third verse, the protagonist’s demise continues. She exploits her welfare checks using the money ‘to get her hair done,’ and other material wealth. Moreover, after years of unprotected and random sexual encounters, the woman contracts AIDS and ultimately dies.
Tupac seems to claim that when he refers to women as Bitches, ect… he is not referring to all women. It seems he is solely referring to the women that exploit their sexuality in order to obtain some material wealth, gain some financial advantages, or further their careers. Is his definition correct? Some may think so, some may not. But whether his definition is correct or not is irrelevant. Ultimately, the song ‘Wonder Why They Call You Bitch’ makes you think and offers you the opportunity to discover the answer for yourself.
LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE: http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/8/28/191037/Tupac-%20Wonder%20Why%20They%20Call%20You%20Bitch.mp3
FIND THE LYRICS FOR THE SONG HERE: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/2pac/wonderwhytheycallu.html
Nicely done. I agree with him, i mean i love women, but any girl who puts a price on her dignity or body is a bitch, and she should be recognized as one.
It drives me insane when people who don't understand his music and where he's coming from automatically assume that he's some asshole misogynist. All you have to do is listen to "dear mama" to understand his deep respect for strong black females. Too many people assume that rap is superficial to the extreme with no underlying message, and in doing so, take everything rappers say at face value, which is short-sighted and stupid. Read their lyrics, learn a little about their background, and you'll never make that dumbass mistake again.
yup, are you adressing your comment to me, or his subject?
what did the 'Deleted Comment' say??? is there some beef?
Have you kids ever heard Tupac's song "Keep ya head up"? Whether he's disrespecting certain women only, or not, he may be contradicting himself just a tad. These are some lyrics in his song: "And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?"
tupac had the ut most respect for women, he just dispised all women who put a price on their body. read some of his petry, maybe "sometimes i cry", or "my dearest one". good shit, but i understand what yor saying
To me anyway, i do think Tupac respected women. However, i dont think he respected those women who were willing to ignore there children for more selfish needs. There are some 'Video Ho's' or "Gold Diggers" that are in it for themselves. But there are also some women who sell themselves so there kids can eat & have shelter... are those women Bitches? Hell NO! they are doing what it takes so there children can survive....
Love you 2!
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