Tuesday, March 27, 2007
A Three-string Instrument

An Idol Group

Monday, March 26, 2007
A Different Way to Learn
Hey guys,
I have a neat story. My chiropractor was born and raised in
Kristen Kerr
The sun is shining...
Reggae is what gets me through the rough times, you know, and the last couple months have definitively been challenging for me, in many departments. I won’t go into the sordid details, but, man, was I glad to see that things are starting to come around in all departments. You just gotta keep your head held high, keep listenin’ to those mellow tunes, and eventually things start to take a turn for the better. I’m not someone who’s deep into this karmic, holy granola view of the universe, but, man, I gotta say, keeping the reggae tunes flowing makes the difference between a good day and a great day. So, no matter what your tastes, just make sure to keep those musical juices going, day in and, especially, day out.
Peace & all that good dissociating happy-stuff,
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
A Few Inches Shy of a Concert

Everyone always raves about these amazing concerts that they’ve gone to: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lupe Fiasco, and most recently, Wolfmother. It must be exciting I’m sure, to be in a room with hundreds of people, if not thousands, taking in the true musical experience of a live show. Unfortunately for me, (all 4’11” of me), I am bound by my vertically restricting chains to a lifetime of tamed, Jack-Johnson-Ben-Harper-esque, sleepy music live shows where everyone is sitting down. Surely I could find a way around this problem, you might think to yourself. But really, I’ve tried. All the fun concerts have mosh pits and dancing fans and in a world where everyone old enough to attend is taller than you, things just don’t work out the way you want them to. A friend of mine was talking about how her sister, who had attended the last Wolfmother show, got pushed to the ground and incidentally had her arm broken by jumping fans… ouch. And I know that my love for music should be the prevalent factor in this dilemma, but consider with me if you will, the obstacles in my way. A $200 ticket for the best spot in the house, front row middle seats, would get me a good view of the show, but at the risk of getting my little self pushed to the back and unable to return until the band takes a break is not worthwhile. Option#2: Find a 6-foot tall muscle clad man friend to hold me above the crowd at every concert. Or simply tough it out, break a few bones and possibly die. I dunno guys. So in the mean time…10 inch heels? Rocket-shoes? Okay, I think I might need some help with this one.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Going Back to the Classics
Well I hope you enjoyed this time travel through music :)
Kristen Kerr